From Pessoal do Ceará to the Cabaçal Movement: The “local” and the “global” in the music of Ceará


  • Jane Meyre Silva Costa Universidade Estadual do Ceará



In this article I propose to discuss three artistic and cultural movements in the music field in the Northeast and, specifically, in Ceará. The “northeastern music” translates into a cultural manifestation of musicians from Ceará, characterized by the cultural hybridity, setting up a “new” musical aesthetic, which uses a plural language, carrying out the mix of rhythms. Generally, these movements can mean both the search for a “local identity” in the process of cultural globalization, through the dialogue with the “northeastern popular culture”, and the possibility of articulating new meanings, lifestyles, values and behaviors that establish a dialogue between the “local” and the “global” music.


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How to Cite

Costa, J. M. S. (2012). From Pessoal do Ceará to the Cabaçal Movement: The “local” and the “global” in the music of Ceará. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (3), 50-62.



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