The “rediscovery” of the Baixada Fluminense: Reflections about the narrative constructions of the media and the conceptions of a physical and symbolic territory


  • Ana Enne Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Estudos de Mídia



The aim of this article is to reflect on the relationship between the conceptions of an urban territory – in this case, the Baixada Fluminense – and the discursive constructions produced in the Carioca and Brazilian press throughout the 1990s. By analyzing journalistic articles that have as an object the Baixada Fluminense, it is possible to notice a shift of meanings about it, by which the newspapers act as legitimizing agents of both memory/past and project/future of the region. In this sense, we understand that the conformation of identities is heavily crossed by the cultural dimension, so that there is a shuffle between the physical and material conditions of a space and its symbolic appropriations, generating a constant dispute around the imagery of this space as a signified place.


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How to Cite

Enne, A. (2013). The “rediscovery” of the Baixada Fluminense: Reflections about the narrative constructions of the media and the conceptions of a physical and symbolic territory. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, 1(4), 6-27.



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