LIGHT, CAMERA... STARVATION!: the paths of consumption in a series about two worlds
The aim of the article is to understand how different social universes are represented and the relations between classes in the television series A Diarista, aired on TV Globo from 2004 to 2007. In the analysis of the representations that appear in the series – relating to the worlds of the “poor” and the “rich” –, the consumption dimension emerges as a privileged means of expression of social differences. The maid’s daily life appears strongly marked by the sign of “material deprivation”, and the character is penalized in her attempts to overcome barriers and enjoy the consumption of the “rich”. Finally, the analysis of the representations expressed in the series is confronted with a study on the consumption of maids, in which the role of the maid is revealed as being the mediator between two worlds, what allows an “opening to consumption” within her social universe.Downloads
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