Samba Schools in Pampas: texts and contexts of the interculturality in the Uruguaiana’s carnival
The article proposes to reflect the samba school’s carnival of Uruguaiana, municipality located in Pampas, a region in the Rio Grande do Sul state (South of Brazil)that is within the triple border from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The interculturality permeates the carnival event, with the manipulation of symbolic references of the regional and national culture and the exchange relations established between the local carnival and the Rio de Janeiro’s carnival. This creates the fundamental dimension of translocality suggesting the analysis of its artistic form, the historical origin and the main features of existing social involvement. The carnival circuits as well as the multiples circulations of “sambistas” and objects in the previous stages of the events and in their competitive parades, allow us to relate distinct theoretical and methodological possibilities to the investigation of the phenomena of popular cultures, on the margins and abroad the country.Downloads
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