Federalism and intergovernmental relations: an analysis of the processes for the implementation and management of municipal systems of culture


  • Rafael Luiz de Aquino Observatório da Diversidade Cultural




This article aims to analyze the effectiveness federative induction in the decision-making of the municipalities to agree with the policy of intergovernamental organization of cutural management, that was proposed by National System of Culture. Based on the documentary analyses and in the collection of empirical material, realized throught case studies, it seeks to evidence the discretionary, formal, techinical, social and political aspects from the implementation and management of Municipal Cultural System. Municipalities as Betim, Contagem and Sabará were taken as exemples of case studies, due to the political, administrative and financial differentations available to nod their local cultural policies. These municipal administrations has population higher of 10 thousand inhabitants and dispose of a Municipal Human Development Index between higher and medium levels.  Minas Gerais has the largest number of municipalites of Brazil, with a total of 853 local governments and diverse economic situation and socio-spatial formation. Therefore, the set of municipalities that make up the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte allows the formulation of a analytical and conceptual contribution allusive to the effectiveness of local development of public policies of cultural defined in an intergovernamental cooperation regime.

Keywords: Federalism, Intergovernmental Relations, Municipalities, Cultural Policies, National System of Culture.


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Author Biography

Rafael Luiz de Aquino, Observatório da Diversidade Cultural

Mestrado em Ciências Sociais pela Puc-Minas, na linha de pesquisa Políticas Públicas, Poder Local e Participação, graduado em Gestão Pública (Ênfase em Processos Gerencias e Gestão de Organizações do Terceiro Setor) pela UEMG. Cursou Engenharia Elétrica na Puc-Minas. Membro do grupo de pesquisa Observatório da Diversidade Cultural


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How to Cite

de Aquino, R. L. (2018). Federalism and intergovernmental relations: an analysis of the processes for the implementation and management of municipal systems of culture. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (14), 55-66. https://doi.org/10.22409/pragmatizes.v0i14.10473



Dossiê 14: Práticas socioculturais, patrimônio cultural e territórios