Models for training schedules in the analysis of public policies applied to culture: the case of the restructuring project of the collection of the Pinacoteca of São Bernardo do Campo


  • Mayra Carolina Ataide Oliveira
  • Lúcio Nagib Bittencourt



This article discusses the restructuring of the Collection of the Municipal Pinacoteca of São Bernardo do Campo, from December 2016 to November 2017, with resources coming from the Program of Cultural Action of the Government of the State of São Paulo (ProAC). The question raised is whether the entry of state resources through Edital ProAC generated developments beyond the project, inserting it into the public agenda, as a public problem relevant to the municipality. To answer this question, we mobilized theoretical references related to the study of agenda formation in the analysis of public policies, specifically the Theories of Multiple Streams and Interrupted Equilibrium. In addition to this bibliographic review, the methods used involved the analysis of the document submitted to ProAC nº. 19/2016 - available for public access, documentary research for the collection of quantitative data and semi-structured interview with the project coordinator. The results indicate that although it is not possible to say that the project under discussion has entered the municipal agenda, it has been developed and generated unfolding. With this, in the end, we raise questions about the contributions and limits associated to the mobilization of this theoretical framework for public policy analysis, seeking to contribute to future studies of different forms of public action - especially cultural ones.

Keywords: Public Policies; AnalysisofPublic Policies; Culture; ABC Paulista, Pinacoteca Municipal de São Bernardo do Campo


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. C. A., & Bittencourt, L. N. (2018). Models for training schedules in the analysis of public policies applied to culture: the case of the restructuring project of the collection of the Pinacoteca of São Bernardo do Campo. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (14), 118-134.



Dossiê 14: Práticas socioculturais, patrimônio cultural e territórios