Popular Festivities in Bahia: management and identity dynamics
Popular festivities, Identity, Management, BahiaAbstract
Popular festivals are collective experiences that express the
identity of a community, a society, a people. They are perpetuated
in the form of tradition and are renewed in the cultural dynamics in
permanent contemporaneity. Knowledge about popular festivals is
multidimensional: religious, cultural, symbolic, economic, political,
among others. However, we know little about its organizational
dimension. The purpose of this article is to delve into the universe of
popular festivals, particularly at the celebrations in Salvador, to discuss
a management conception guided by the practice of the negotiation
of meanings - among the different party organizers - that moves the
identity dynamics. Thinking about popular festivals based on this
interpretative key means a double movement: on the one hand, to
know the organizational logic that explains the flourishing of popular
festivals and, on the other hand, to broaden our understanding of the
management of this type of organizational phenomenon.
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