The challenge of implementing a culture plan for the city of Rio de Janeiro
city, citizenship, culture plan, public policy, state, civil societyAbstract
This article proposes to reflect on the construction work process of
the Municipal Culture Plan of Rio de Janeiro, of which I was a part of
its first stage. A decenal plan, whose main challenge is to overcome
the one-off actions proposing a state policy. However, the continuity of
this process was interrupted, becoming the very implementation of the
PMC-RJ one of the great challenges, among others that are required:
How to make a plan that reflects the needs and powers of this city?
How can we ensure the full exercise of the cultural rights of the actors
of this process? How to correct inequalities and concentrations? How
to democratize access and participation? I propose to discuss issues
that should be on the basis of the implementation of a cultural policy,
within a concept of citizen culture, since which to build a city is to build
citizenship for the city.
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