Artificial intelligence and copyright law: challenges and possibilities in the Brazilian and international legal scenario




Artificial intelligence. Intellectual works. Copyright


It is undeniable that artificial intelligence software increasingly produces content that previously only affected humans. Since 1970, there have been artistic works created by artificial intelligences and even in a format that can be considered original and creative. This fact gave rise to the theoretical confrontation about the (in) possibility of such works being protected by copyright. There are at least three theories on the subject: the first assigns copyright directly to artificial intelligence, from the creation of an electronic personality, or by developing a co-authorship with artificial intelligence; the second assigns copyright to the software developer or the company behind the investment, and the third argues that there is no need to talk about copyright in this case, because the work would belong to the public domain. The discussion of the subject faces deep-rooted questions about the way human beings understand the world, of great complexity, related to philosophical, psychological, social and also legal problems. And it is for this reason that none of the theoretical currents presented are able to fully solve all the challenges imposed on Copyright Law, since the crux of the matter for solving the proposed issue is the understanding of human intelligence itself and its limitations. For the realization of the theoretical analysis, based on exploratory and bibliographic research, we started with concrete cases, using, therefore, the inductive method for preparing the work.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Felitti da Silva D'ávila, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Estudante de Graduação em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos.

Raquel Von Hohendorff, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Doutora e Mestra em Direito Público pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS. Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação e graduação Unisinos. Integrante do grupo de pesquisa JUSNANO (Cnpq).

Fernanda Borghetti Cantali, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Doutoranda em Direto pelo programa de pós-graduação da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS. Mestra em Direito pelo programa de pós-graduação em direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS. LLM em Direito Empresarial pelo CEU Law School. Professora da UNISINOS e da ESMAFE. Advogada.


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How to Cite

Felitti da Silva D’ávila, F., Von Hohendorff, R., & Borghetti Cantali, F. (2020). Artificial intelligence and copyright law: challenges and possibilities in the Brazilian and international legal scenario. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, 10(19), 249-273.



Dossiê 19: Cultura, Tecnologia e Sociedade