Makerspaces as a generators of a culture guided by antidisciplinarity, toleranceforfailure, and diversity




experimental, design, creativity, digital culture, makerspaces


This article proposes that three values assume an important role in stimulating the generation of new ideas and expanding access to knowledge, when guiding practices of technological learning spaces (makerspaces). They are: antidisciplinarity, tolerance for failure and diversity. The work is inserted in the context marked by the democratization of technologies that allow citizens outside major research centers and industry to materialize their ideas, express their worldview, their creativity and build knowledge from the interaction with artifacts. And it seeks to contribute to reflections on the digital society and the need to understand technological practices based on their cultural aspects.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela da Costa Aguiar Agustini, Universidade Cândido Mendes

mestre em Desgin, Tecnologia e Sociedade pela PUC Rio

Jorge Roberto Lopes dos Santos, PUC-Rio

doutor em Design Products pelo Royal College of Art, Reino Unido


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How to Cite

Agustini, G. da C. A., & Santos, J. R. L. dos. (2020). Makerspaces as a generators of a culture guided by antidisciplinarity, toleranceforfailure, and diversity. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, 10(19), 30-50.



Dossiê 19: Cultura, Tecnologia e Sociedade