Caretagem, an identity manifestation in quilombola community São Domingos
Quilombola identity, Ethnography, Caretagem, Culture.Abstract
In this work, we seek to understand what is the relationship of Caretagem as a quilombola identity mark of the São Domingos Community - MG, based on theoretical assumptions related to identity (GIDDENS, 1991; HALL, 1992) among others and methodological through ethnography (FLICK, 2009;MAGNANI 2002) .The central objective of the research, of a qualitative, ethnographic nature, is to investigate the relation of the identity of the members of the São Domingos quilombola community, which is manifested by the dance of Caretagem. Therefore, in semi-structured interviews with members of the community , we seek to investigate culture and identity.The main results found indicate that many identify themselves and feel proud of being quilombolas, even expressing this pride by perpetuating their cultures, such as Caretagem, endorsing signs of belonging. However, there are also traces of displacement and new constructions of self-identities that point to the desire for change of some integr rather, especially the younger ones, which does not prevent their cultures, especially the face, from being perpetuated in the community.
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