Experiences of cultural management from the university environment
itinerant devices for educational work with the audiovisual
The present text works with an "object" of analysis: the Interactive Itinerant Veo Veo Fair —carried out in the city of Córdoba, Argentina— as a disruptive experience in the teaching of audiovisual language for children, from a university subject in the line extension activities and cultural management. With it we are particularly interested in exposing the way in which this "object" is adapted to diverse institutional contexts, school in the first instance and then non-school. For the purposes of preparing this work, we consider the Veo Veo Itinerant Interactive Fair as a communicational and educational device that constitutes an innovation in practice and that, due to its characteristics, is also a proposal for significant improvement in relation to educational daily activities in different scopes. Lastly, this work is the result of our interest in "thinking" about the practice itself in relation to the formulation and execution of the Itinerant Interactive Fair Veo Veo, on the one hand and, on the other, offering management experience and teaching based on which a communicational and educational device is constituted in practice, in an innovation.
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Videos producidos Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxa-IOc1N_w&list=PLMB39TEdVflEz7NAwQlpnP3E2F_ITs6xU
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