Mental health weaved with affections, hands and ears


  • Gabriela Garcia de Carvalho Laguna Instituto Multidisciplinar em Saúde/Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Ricardo Evangelista Fraga Instituto multidisciplinar em saúde/Universidade Federal da Bahia



mental health, art, integrality in health, education, mental health services, mentals disorders


Art therapy is a mode of intervention that uses artistic expressions, which can be diverse, as a method to achieve a therapeutic objective and, telemonitoring, a significant resource for the continuity of health care, especially in times of social distance. From this perspective, a descriptive study is presented based on the experience of a medical student. The developed extension project aims to strengthen the relationship between art and health, promote the link between students, users and the health team, as well as the appreciation of the sensitive through dialogue and art. For this purpose, weekly drawing workshops were followed and, later, mandala workshops were conducted with users of a Psychosocial Care Center II in the interior of Bahia, as well as continuous telemonitoring of priority users who could benefit from a sensitive, periodic and continuous listening. Although the objective of the art therapy workshops is not the material product itself, but the process, the satisfaction of the participants in recognizing themselves capable of building something and seeing beauty in it was notorious and, for some, catalyst to start other projects in their lives.The construction of a safe space for exchanges, in the workshops and in the calls, allowed sharing that perhaps would be more difficult and/or would not find space to be addressed in other contexts, including therapeutic ones. Relationships of trust, bond and affection were established with the group, despite the challenge of adherence. Experience has shown that art, active listening, continuous care, contribute not only to mental health care, but also to the training of future qualified health professionals committed to the individual and collective needs of users of health services.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Garcia de Carvalho Laguna, Instituto Multidisciplinar em Saúde/Universidade Federal da Bahia

Graduanda em Medicina.

Ricardo Evangelista Fraga, Instituto multidisciplinar em saúde/Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutor em Imunologia.


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How to Cite

Laguna, G. G. de C., & Fraga, R. E. (2023). Mental health weaved with affections, hands and ears. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, 13(25), 666-677.