Art and communication to produce epistemic dribbles

youth initiatives from the "quebradas" of Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) and Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia)


  • Bruna Pegna Hercog Universidade Federal da Bahia



youth, peripheries, community cultural management, emancipation, epistemologies


In this article, I propose to contribute to the reflection on the performance of initiatives in art and communication led by young people in violated territories, starting from the following provocation: with their tactics, artistic productions and models of community cultural management, wouldn't these young people in movement be producing knowledge capable of influencing the processes of emancipation of their territories? What do these cultural management practices that have art and communication as pedagogical foundations, ancestry as a compass, territory as an anchor, and community as a catalyst for action reveal to us? If we understand that through art and communication these young people elaborate epistemic dribbles that invite the composition of other intellectualities, would we not be heading towards the epistemologies of the “quebradas”? In order to advance in these reflections, I dialogue with cultural actions promoted by collectives acting in the peripheries of two Latin American cities: Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) and Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia).


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Author Biography

Bruna Pegna Hercog, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutora em Cultura e Sociedade na Universidade Federal da Bahia/UFBA, Brasil. Professora substituta na Faculdade de Comunicação da UFBA.


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How to Cite

Hercog, B. P. . (2023). Art and communication to produce epistemic dribbles: youth initiatives from the "quebradas" of Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) and Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia). PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, 13(25), 35-56.