Ciranda of knowledge and care
Scribbles on Traditional Knowledge in the care of the powerful body of the University
Psychosociology, Traditional Knowledge, Multi-epistemic EncounterAbstract
This article presents the experiences and reflections of members of the organizing committee of the pluri-epistemic meeting "Ciranda de Saberes e Care" promoted by the Laboratory of Memories, Territories and Occupations: sensitive traces, with the collaboration of the other Research Groups linked to the EICOS Program, of Psychosociology of Communities and Social Ecology, from the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in the year 2022. post-pandemic period.. .To this end, the collective positioned itself geopolitically, assuming a critical Latin American Psychosociology. The understanding regarding the Ciranda experience and its dialogue with what we have studied and produced, together with the masters, will be presented here in the form of scribbles to those on the other side, an expression that we chose to dialogue with those who read us.
Key words: Psychosociology; Traditional Knowledge; Multi-epistemic Encounter
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