Socioeconomic diversity in cultural sector consumption and income in Brazil
an input-output analysis
cultural sector, consumer profile, input-outputAbstract
The culture sector represents a relevant axis for the Brazilian economy in terms of promotion and economic development, therefore, this work aims to examine how this segment is divided in relation to different family consumption profiles. Family groups are categorized according to gender, skin color and income. Additionally, the impact on the cultural sector, and on the entire economy, of a positive shock on the final demand of the sector, in terms of employment, product and income, is observed, through the input-output approach. The main results show that the high-income family group, despite comprising a relatively smaller number of individuals, is responsible for more than half of the consumption of cultural and artistic goods and services. Furthermore, within this high-income group, the profile that consumes the most is that of families with white men as the main caregiver. The middle-income family group, despite having just over half of the individuals, represents only 36.5% of cultural consumption, while the low-income group, representing the smallest percentage of the three income groups, constitutes only 7.25%. % of total consumption. Regarding the positive shock in the final demand of the cultural sector, there was an increase of R$ 1.025 billion in the cultural segment and R$ 1.593 billion in the entire economy, in terms of production. In relation to jobs, such a positive shock in the final demand of the cultural sector is responsible for generating 29,191 new jobs in the cultural sector, and 33,076 additional jobs in the economy as a whole. Regarding the variation in income in the cultural sector, there was an increase of 324 million, and in the economy the addition was 439 million. Finally, with regard to the relevance for the economy and the cultural sector of the twelve profile typologies, it was found that in terms of production and employment, the most significant consumer profile is that of high-income white men and the lowest relevance is that of low-income white women.
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