For the good of sport and the nation: relations between sport and politics in the Portuguese New State (1933-1945)
History of Sport, Salazarism, ConsentResumo
The purpose of this article is to analyze the relations between the phenomenon of sport and politics in the Portuguese New State during the period 1933-45. What was the relationship established between the Salazar regime and sport? In what way did the government act with regard to sport and how did this relationship adapt to (and shape) the plans for social control that were put forward during the period of the New State? In seeking to obtain a better understanding of these relationships, I examine how sport was employed as a strategy for achieving a consensus and following this, to note how these same relationships were used as a part of Salazar´s propaganda, as well as to boost his image. Finally, I undertake a case study that is concerned with the most significant occasion when Salazar´s image was bound up with the Portuguese sports movement – the opening ceremony of the National Stadium.Downloads
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