


University Reform, EAPES Report, MEC-USAID Agreement


The document Advisory Team for Higher Education Planning (MEC-USAID Agreement) which we now incorporate into the  Dossier 55 years of Graduate Studies in Brazil, officially presented on August 29, 1968 and published in 1969, its content and conceptions maintained by the University Reform Group, created by Decree No. 62,937 of July 2, 1968, by the close relationship maintained between that Team and the Group. In its almost 700 pages the Report is not only detailed information of the work carried out by EAPES. It is possible to capture the contradictions by which capitalist development and the production of new and innovative knowledge operate, as well as the internal disputes with the Team and the conceptions of organization and functioning of higher education institutions, currently constituted as an articulated and hierarchical system of formative offerings of short, medium and long duration.


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Author Biography

Zuleide S. Silveira, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Zuleide S. Silveira holds a PhD in education from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), an interim Doctorate from the University of Lisbon and a Master's degree in Education from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), professor at the Faculty of Education and Graduate Programs (lato sensu  and  stricto sensu) in Education at the Fluminense Federal University, coordinator of the State, Labor, Education and Development Research Group: Latin American critical thinking and translation of Antonio Gramsci (GPETED/UFF), editor-in-chief of Movement-Journal of Education and member of the Forum for The Management of Higher Education in Portuguese-speaking Countries and Regions, based in Lisbon.


BRASIL. Ministério da Educação e Cultura. Relatório da Equipe de Assessoria ao Planejamento do Ensino Superior (Acordo MEC-USAID). Brasília: MEC: EAPES, 1969. Disponível em:

CUNHA, Luiz Antonio. A universidade crítica: o ensino superior na República Populista. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1983.

FERNANDES, Florestan. Universidade Brasileira: reforma ou revolução? São Paulo: Alfa-Ômega, 1975.

GRAMSCI, Antonio. Cadernos do cárcere. v.3. Maquiavel; Notas sobre o Estado e a política. 3.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2007.

LONGO, Waldimir Pirró; DERENUSSON, Maria Sylvia. FNDCT, 40 anos. Revista Brasileira de Inovação. Campinas: UNICAMP; FINEP, v. 8, no 2, 2009, pp. 515-533.

SILVEIRA, Zuleide Simas da. Concepções de educação tecnológica na reforma da educação superior: finalidades, continuidades, e rupturas - estudo comparado Brasil e Portugal (1995-2010). Tese (Doutorado em Educação). Niterói: UFF, 2011. Disponível em:

SILVEIRA, Zuleide S. concepção burguesa de educação tecnológica, desenvolvimento econômico e política de ciência, tecnologia e inovação. Revista Trabalho, Política e Sociedade, v. 05, n. 08, p. 95-117, jan.-jun., 2020.

TEIXEIRA, Anísio. Educação e universidade. Rio de Janeiro: EdUFRJ, 1988.


2020-11-27 — Updated on 2020-11-28


How to Cite

Silveira, Z. S. (2020). ADVISORY TEAM REPORT FOR HIGHER EDUCATION PLANNING (MEC-USAID AGREEMENT). Movement - Education Journal, 7(14). (Original work published November 27, 2020)



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