Horizons for the national Constitution: Constitutional reform among three professors at the University of Buenos Aires Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (Argentina, 1930-1950)
Constitution, reform, Carlos Ibarguren, Juan González Calderón, Carlos Sánchez ViamonteAbstract
The aim of this article is to reflect on the ideas and proposals for constitutional reform in Argentina during the 1930 crisis and the fall of the first government of Juan Domingo Perón, as devised by three professors at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. By studying several of their works, lectures, and manuals on constitutional law in a comparative key, the article aims to analyze the ideas that three eminent jurists and university teachers (Carlos Ibarguren, Juan González Calderón, and Carlos Sánchez Viamonte) had on reforming the Argentine Constitution in this tense national and global context. Nuanced in themselves and representing three projects distinct in ideological terms, these scholars agree on the need to aggiornar the Magna Carta to reflect the new era to have dawned on the country and the world. Although each of them formulated different theories (Ibarguren argued for a corporatist model; González Calderón for a liberal model; and Sánchez Viamonte for a ‘social” model), they agreed on the need to adapt the terms of the Constitution to the new trends on social and economic rights sweeping the world at the time.
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