Is there a modern legal culture?




Modern legal culture, law and society movement, legal systems


The following essay aims to delineate the concept of legal culture and explore the idea of a legal culture in modern law, i.e. that of our times, in the tradition of the Law and Society movement. Part of the tradition involves studying the role legal systems play in society, with this ‘in” reflecting a particular point of view, or a particular means of observing how law and legal systems do, in fact, function; what they do and how they do it. Our aim is to provide explanations, exploring their very essence, not so much by means of a prescriptive or dogmatic perspective, but rather based on observation.


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Author Biography

Lawrence M. Friedman - Trad. de Pedro Rubim Borges Fortes, Stanford Law School, Stanford

Lawrence Friedman é Professor titular na Stanford Law School, como “Marion Rice Kirkwood Professor of Law’. É o mais proeminente historiador do direito americano, tendo publicado o livro mais citado a respeito do assunto e escrito dezenas de artigos acadêmicos sobre o assunto. É ainda um dos grandes precursores do movimento Law and Society nos Estados Unidos, tendo cunhado e sido o grande expositor do conceito de ‘cultura jurídica”, que hoje faz parte do vocabulário de professores de direito, alunos e profissionais em todo o mundo. Lawrence Friedman é ainda o diretor do programa de mestrado acadêmico da Stanford Law School (SPILS). Dentre suas obras mais significativas estão A history of American Law (1973), The legal system: a social science perspective (1975), Total Justice (1985), The Republic of Choice: Law, Authority, and Culture (1990), Crime and Punishment in American History (1993), The horizontal society (1999), American law in the 20th century (2002), The Human Rights Culture: A Study in History and Context (2011) e Impact: How Law Affects Behavior (2016)



How to Cite

Fortes, L. M. F. .-. . T. de P. R. B. (2019). Is there a modern legal culture?. Passages: International Review of Political History and Legal Culture, 11(1), 4-23.