LITURATERRA [<em>Review</em>: 2020,1]


  • Dráuzio Gonzaga Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ



The reviews, literary passages and esthetic passages in Passagens: International Journal of Political History and Legal Culture are published in a section entitled LITURATERRA [Lituraterre]. This neologism was created by Jacques Lacan, to refer to the multiple effects present in semantic slips and word plays, taking James Joyce’s slip in using letter for litter as a starting point, not to mention the references to Lino, litura and liturarius in referring to political history, to the Pope to have succeeded the first (Peter); the culture of the terra [earth], aesthetics, law, literature, as well as the legal references – both canonical and non-canonical – when such expressions are distanced from those which are religious, dogmatic or fundamentalist, merely meaning “dominant’ or “hegemonic’.


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Author Biography

Dráuzio Gonzaga, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Doutor em Filosofia (UFRJ) com Especialização em Filosofia Política (UFRJ). Cientista Social pelo IFCS-UFRJ e um dos fundadores da ONG Socii – Pesquisadores Associados em Ciências Sociais (10/12/1977). Professor de Ciências Sociais na UERJ, FACHA, PUC-RIO e várias outras universidades no Rio de Janeiro. Membro do Conselho Consultivo da Coleção Textos Paralelos (Edições Achiamé & Socii).



How to Cite

Gonzaga, D. (2020). LITURATERRA [<em>Review</em>: 2020,1]. Passages: International Review of Political History and Legal Culture, 12(1), 164-171.