The historical ideas of Bartolomé Mitre and Brazil (1870-1880)
Bartolomé Mitre, historical ideas, Argentina, BrazilAbstract
In this article we analyze the historical ideas of Bartolomé Mitre – soldier, historian, and president of Argentina from 1862 to 1868. We propose a reflection connecting these ideas to the political experiences that marked his trajectory in the second half of the nineteenth century, reflecting on his contact with the Empire of Brazil, particularly in the 1870s and 1880s. The connection with the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute (IHGB) and its social networks stand out as features which supported and consolidated Mitre’s historiographical activities in the Platine region. His national history project is thus intertwined with his political activities in defense of Unitarian liberals and the development of Argentine national unity, as well as his relations with the neighboring monarchy. Our sources are his historical works, correspondence, and the publication of the IHGB Journal which reports on his becoming a member of the Institute in 1871.
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