Pedagogical transgressions in the human park? A discussion with Peter Sloterdijk
philosophy of education, coloniality, eurocentrism, pedagogies, ethicsAbstract
This essay is based on five reflections on ongoing research on performance pedagogies. This last word is taken in a broad sense, in order to consider the semantic openness of its effects on communities and subjectivities. For this reason, we start with an introduction that analyzes a recent Eurocentric approach, and then dedicate an excursus on what is involved in it and what pedagogies it implies. Then the question is broken down into the effect of epistemic endosmosis that produces an outside-in pedagogy and is reproduced in pedagogies of domestication, under which an acrobatic pedagogy lays. Faced with this, it becomes desirable to think about other twinned landscapes and some vital exercise of liberating traces. Some works of the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk will be taken as reference for the analysis and discussion that opens alternatives.
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