Between indigenous identity and Hellenic influence in the Apulian region: considerations about the pottery circulation and erotic iconographies


  • Juliana Magalhães Santos Pós doutoranda do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo.


Mediterrâneo antigo, conectividade, Grécia Clássica.


This article aims to provide an overview of the construction of connectivity networks in Apulia, a region located in the southwest of the Italian peninsula during the 5th century BC Focusing our analysis on the relationship between Greeks and original populations, we start from the perspective of connectivity networks designed by Malkin (1999) to present how the region was conceived by the greeks. From constant and sometimes tense contacts, we will see how commercial practices and certain attic iconographic representations helped to build bridges of dialogue and influence in local social groups. In particular, we will analyze the impact of the attic influence on iconographic production at the height of erotic representations.


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Author Biography

Juliana Magalhães Santos, Pós doutoranda do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo.

Membro do LABECA - Laboratório de Estudos sobre a Cidade Antiga.


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How to Cite

Santos, J. M. (2021). Between indigenous identity and Hellenic influence in the Apulian region: considerations about the pottery circulation and erotic iconographies . Revista Cantareira, (34). Retrieved from



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