Regulação: Orientações metodológicas para a atuação das agências


  • Maria Arair Pinto Paiva Professora do PPGSD/UFF
  • Andreia Cunha Marreiros Aluna da Faculdade de Direito
  • Cristiana Gabriela Carvalho de Aguiar Aluna da Faculdade de Direito
  • Kathy Byron Alves ods Santos Aluna da Faculdade de Direito



The object of the present work consists in the analysis of the methodological basis in which the “Regulatory Agency” shall develop in Brazil. The work contains matters of control and regulation of public activities and services done by private companies. Our goal is to show a paradigm (established throughout the study of scientific and juridical variables), so that the various roles of the Democratic State, the government and the people in Brazil can be very clearly established in the process of regulation. We shall also demonstrate the relevancy of the “Regulatory Agencies” in the development of national policies, such as the energetic policy.


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How to Cite

Pinto Paiva, M. A., Cunha Marreiros, A., Carvalho de Aguiar, C. G., & Alves ods Santos, K. B. (2006). Regulação: Orientações metodológicas para a atuação das agências. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 5(1), 56-62.