THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT AND GENDER ISSUES: The representativeness and the crime of forced pregnancies.
International Criminal Court, Representativeness, Forced pregnancy.Abstract
The present work presents the gender issues addressed in the International Criminal Court, conducting analyses on representativeness, as well as on the typification of the crime of forced pregnancies. To this end, the work is based on the feminist theory of the law, so that the analysis can be done by a different way from the traditional, that is, patriarchal and cast and that contributes to the perpetuation of the violations. In the perspective of the feminist theory of law, the assistance to women victims of violence is a state obligation, regardless of the crime of forced pregnancies, in view of the principle of the dignity of the human person. In this sense, it is the indistant duty of the State to safeguard the rights of choice and self-determination of women and, consequently, their fundamental right to health, placed at risk when abortion needs to be carried out clandestinely, without proper and correct Conditions for its realization.
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