O Rape and its use with a disciplinary character

the case of massacres in Favela Nova Brasília from a decolonial feminism analysis


  • Gabriel Pedro Moreira Damasceno Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7742-3891
  • Camila Andreza Souza Santos Centro Universitário Funorte




Twenty-nine residents of Favela Nova Brasília in Rio de Janeiro were victims of violations of their rights in two police operations that took place on October 18, 1994 and May 8, 1995. Among the victims, three women were raped (among them, two minors) by police officers. The reading of the case instigated the following research problem: what are the structural characteristics that allow the rape of poor and black women to be carried out by police agents without any type of punishment? The hypothesis is that rape occurs within a perspective of gender domination, being used with a disciplinary character. To answer the problem, the deductive method of approach was used from the descriptive and explanatory methods, so that, later, from the exploratory method, one can conjecture a way to respond to the posed problem. For this purpose, regarding the research procedures, bibliographical and documentary techniques were used, making use of a decolonial feminist approach to analyze the sentence issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which condemned Brazil in this case.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Pedro Moreira Damasceno, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)

Doutor em Direito Público pela UNISINOS. Mestre em Direito pela UFMG. Especialista em Direito Internacional pelo CEDIN - Centro de Estudos em Direito Internacional. Atualmente é professor de Direito Internacional e Direito Empresarial na UNIFIPMoc. Professor do Curso de Direito da FUNORTE e da FUNAM. Coordenador do Núcleo de Estudos Avançados em Direitos Humanos - NEADH/FUNAM. Co-Coordenador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Direito Internacional Crítico - DICRÍ/UFU. Membro do Núcleo de Direitos Humanos - NDH/UNISINOS.

Camila Andreza Souza Santos, Centro Universitário Funorte

Graduanda em Direito.



How to Cite

Moreira Damasceno, G. P., & Souza Santos, . C. A. (2023). O Rape and its use with a disciplinary character: the case of massacres in Favela Nova Brasília from a decolonial feminism analysis. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 25(2), 127-144. https://doi.org/10.22409/conflu.v25i2.56677