Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, Caso Gomes Lund, Controle de Convencionalidade, Supremo Tribunal Federal, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Gomes Lund Case, Conventionality Control.Abstract
Abstract: The present article intends to analyze the Inter-American Court of Human Rights performance during the Gomes Lund case, while considering the contributions of international human rights law and its guardianship by their regional systems of protection. In this case, Brazil was condemned to investigate, prosecute and condemn the public agents responsible for grave human rights violations during the military dictatorship (1965-1985), despite the dispositions contained in the brazilian Amnesty Law, considered incompatible with the American Convention on Human Rights by the court. This decision represents a clear dissonance between brazilian law and its interpreters with international standards of human rights protection, and they denote the necessity to overcome the nationalit interpretation of said norms in order to guarantee a more broad tutelage to the human rights. In this diapason, the object of the paper is the performance of the Supremo Tribunal Federal in the trial of ADPF nº 153 and the reflexes of its ruling in internal scope, in view of the international obligation of the brazilian State to fully obey the terms of the I. A. Court of H. R.
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- 2021-03-30 (2)
- 2017-06-13 (1)