The relations between the government of living and biopolitics are very presents in the field of health and public health. However, the problematization of this field of forces with permanent disputes and troubles, widely studied by collective health and by other fields such as the human and social sciences, in general, is not object of analysis of training courses in physical education, including those from the public university, which continue to emphasize a way of thinking and acting on bodies based on assumptions of risk and the fight against a sedentary lifestyle associated with disease prevention. Although in recent years important tensions have been produced from the dialogue between these areas, the question is beyond the inclusion of public health disciplines in physical education training courses, which is also valid for the other subareas. It is urgent to question the movements produced in this bio-necropolitical field of forces. Experiments that go through the production of porosities that allow us to occupy ourselves and be occupied by the knowledge, practices, questions and ways of living of bodies considered disposable, which continue to collectively produce more life in different ways in different border-territories, as we visibililized and we also experience during the pandemic beyond the boundaries of the academy. Arrangements that teach us ways of getting implications against the “make live-let die”, whose materiality has taken on the contours of a health-humanitarian crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic, affecting us all in different ways.
Keywords: Politics. Physical Education and Training. Public Health. SUS.Unified Health System.
- 2022-08-31 (2)
- 2022-08-31 (1)
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