The challenges in the teacher-student relationship in times of the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Maria Jose de Castro Nunes Federal University of Pará
  • Willian Lazaretti da Conceição Federal University of Pará



This article aims to present analyzes about the biggest challenges established in the teacher-student relationship in the Remote Education modality, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of teachers, undergraduates and postgraduates of the Institute of Education Sciences, of the Federal University of Pará, listing the necessary adaptations made for effectiveness in the teaching-learning process, the difficulties in accessing the internet and the use of Digital Information and Technology Technologies - TDICs, as well as seeking to understand the teacher-student relationship in the period pandemic. We opted for a documentary and bibliographical research, with an exploratory and descriptive study, with a quali-quantitative approach, based on the answers obtained via a questionnaire, having as target audience teachers and students of the Institute of Educational Sciences of the Federal University of Pará, covering the graduation courses of Degree in Pedagogy and Physical Education and Post-Graduation. Among the results obtained, it was noted I) Difficulties in accessing the internet and Digital Information and Communication Technologies - TDICs used in Remote Teaching during the context; II) The teacher-student relationship and its challenges in Remote Learning in times of pandemic and III) Major challenges of Remote Education from the perspective of teachers, undergraduates and graduate students.


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