An Analysis of the Experience at Newton Braga State School

narratives of everyday life as a teacher




Internship, Geography teaching, Ethnography, Ethnographic essay


Supervised Internship III is a period of discovery for future teachers, who gain access to a new environment, the school, and create bonds and connections that reshape their views on teaching and students. In this sense, the Newton Braga de Farias State School was chosen as the locus for an ethnographic experiment on daily teaching practices in 2023, between November and October. The objective was to understand how students perceive their place in the world, based on their everyday experiences and lives, which will be expressed in their daily routines. For this, we used the work of Fernandez (2007), Cavalcante (2016), and Abramovay (2003) as theoretical support. Ethnography, as a methodological approach accessed through the narratives of the interns' experience reports, proved to be a powerful means of amplifying and accessing the affective aspects occurring within the school environment from the subjective perspective of the teacher. The results include detailed accounts of experiences lived in the school routine, which highlight how interns and students interact and influence each other. These accounts underscore the richness of daily experiences and provide insight into the school dynamics and the impact of pedagogical practices on student development.


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Author Biographies

Emilly Domingos da Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Doutoranda, mestra e bacharel em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Tem experiência como pesquisadora, tendo ênfase na área de Geografia Humana. Possui interesse e atuação principalmente em temas como violência, medo do crime, cotidiano, cidade, poesia e arte.

Gabriella Cristina Araújo de Lima, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Doutoranda, mestre, licenciada e bacharel em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Possui interesse em pesquisas e trabalhos nas áreas de geografia física, educação ambiental, ensino e metodologia da geografia, cartografia e ambientes semiáridos.


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How to Cite

SILVA, E. D. DA; LIMA, G. C. A. DE. An Analysis of the Experience at Newton Braga State School: narratives of everyday life as a teacher . Essays of Geography, v. 10, n. 23, p. e102318, 24 Sep. 2024.