Equity and Contextualization at BNCC
limits and possibilities for critical and citizenship education in Geography teaching
Secondary Education, Educational practices, Dominant interests, Curriculum, ReproductionAbstract
This article analyzes the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and its impact on education, with an emphasis on the guidelines for Secondary Education aimed at the teaching of Geography. The qualitative research, supported by bibliographic and documentary sources, questions whether the proposed model may inadvertently perpetuate educational practices that reproduce social inequalities and serve the dominant interests of the bourgeois class, rather than promoting an education that genuinely transforms the society. The findings reveal that, despite the BNCC's emphasis on contextualization and curricular adaptability, it still imposes a restrictive model by enforcing a minimum curriculum that does not accommodate regional diversities and inequalities. It is concluded that, for education to be truly inclusive and transformative, curricula must be developed with the active participation of teachers, administrators, and communities, respecting local needs and realities in order to combat the reproduction of social inequalities.
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