UN Security Council Simulation Methodology in Basic Education

an interdisciplinary experience report in light of BNCC





Basic Education, UN Simulation, Teacher Training, Interdisciplinarity, BNCC


This work consists of disseminating and reporting the interdisciplinary project Simulation of the UN Security Council, with the guidelines of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), developed in a formal Basic Education institution with a 9th year class of Elementary School (Escola Fundação Darcy Vargas), and the related challenges to the preparation and production of a propose between Geography, Portuguese Language and Citizenship and Social Responsibility. To this end, a bibliographical and a experiential discussion are made on teacher training - and continuing - and basic education, as a necessary space for research and dialogue, following the precepts of Paulo Freire (1996) and Maurice Tardif (2002), since the objective of the project is not only to develop the skills and competencies of the BNCC, but also the great focus on reinforcing citizenship training. Therefore, we want to help teachers who wish to construct an activity in this format from a previous and real experience. The main results are in the educational and pedagogical training of students and in the paid teaching appreciation that the responsible teachers achieve, which contributes to a construction aligned with the improvement of a curriculum that, in fact, is interdisciplinary and liberating.


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Author Biographies

Helena El-Hage Rodriguez, Colégio Pedro II (CPII)

Pós-graduanda em Teorias e Práticas da Geografia Escolar (CPII), licenciada em Geografia (UFF) e professora de geografia e atualidades no Ensino Básico.

Rafaella Giordano de Farias, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Mestranda no Programa Interdisciplinar de Linguística Aplicada (UFRJ) com bolsa CAPES, licenciada em Letras Português-Literaturas (UNIRIO), tem interesse em formação de professores e práticas pedagógicas. Membra do Grupo Interinstitucional de Pesquisa Metacognição e Práticas Discursivas.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUEZ, H. E.-H.; FARIAS, R. G. DE. UN Security Council Simulation Methodology in Basic Education: an interdisciplinary experience report in light of BNCC. Essays of Geography, v. 10, n. 23, p. e102305, 7 May 2024.