The Challenges and Possibilities of Geography Teaching in the Final Years of Basic Education
an inclusive approach
Geography teaching, Pedagogical practices, InclusionAbstract
The objective of the investigation was to understand the challenges and possibilities for teaching Geography to students with disabilities. This study is justified by encouraging discussions about the inclusive perspective in classes, aiming at the teaching and learning processes in the subject. It was qualitative research and data collection occurred through the observation of some of the pedagogical practices developed and the use of teaching materials with students with disabilities in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade of the Basic Education. In the results, we identified the creation of appropriate teaching materials as initial challenges, but by knowing each of the students better, we were able to adapt activities and illustrate their daily lives for a more inclusive education.We also reflected on our pedagogical practices and found ways to make Geography teaching more dynamic and interesting in the classroom.
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