A dialogue between Freire and Foucault

The Interdiction of the Body in Education and the Limits of Language Teaching





Paulo Freire, Michel Foucault, language teaching, docilization of the body, interdiction of the body.


This essay aims at placing in dialogue the theorization of the body in the studies of Michel Foucault and Paulo Freire in order to obtain more clarity about the power relations that establish language as a discourse of power in institutions and linguistic markets linked to the interdictive normativity of human communicative creativity. Based on this dialogue, we seek to recognize possibilities for the realization of language teaching in schools in such a way that it can catalyze the "untested feasibility" of linguistic tolerance in a democratic society marked by extreme social inequality, imagining conditions inside and outside of schools to think about the social inclusion of bodies and the languages that represent them.


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Author Biographies

Sandro R. Barros, Michigan State University, Michigan

Sandro R. de Barros. É professor em currículo em instrução no Departamento de Formação de Professores na Michigan State University (MSU). Doutor em Letras e Literatura Comparada pela University of Cincinnati, OH, EUA. Interesses de pesquisa: práxis pedagógica de Paulo Freire no campo da educação de línguas, currículo e instrução multilíngue, linguística crítica aplicada. 

Miriam F. Brighente, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan

Miriam Furlan Brighente. Trabalha como associada do programa comunitário SEMIS Coalition na Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Estudante de doutorado em Educação Urbana na EMU. Doutora em Educação pela PUC-PR. Interesses de pesquisa: práxis pedagógica de Paulo Freire, feminismo interseccional e transnacional e educação comunitária (place-based education).  


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How to Cite

Barros, S. R., & Brighente, M. F. (2021). A dialogue between Freire and Foucault : The Interdiction of the Body in Education and the Limits of Language Teaching . Ensino, Saude E Ambiente, 14(esp.), 49-78. https://doi.org/10.22409/resa2021.v14iesp.a51040