Some clues about environmental marketing through the view of psychsociology
ecosophy marketing, ecosophy, green rhizome, subjectivityAbstract
This theoretical essay seeks a critical reflection on environmental marketing, through the view of psychosociology, to discuss under the concept of ecosophy as occur the processes of agency of enunciation of a “green rhizome” in the capture of modes of being “ecological” or “ecopsicossocial”. Thus, the study aims to bring a counter-hegemonic proposal, consubstantiated by the schizoanalytic view, in order to break with old ways of thinking and produce knowledge in research in human and social sciences. The central objective is to think under the aegis of the concept of the three ecologies – as postulated by Félix Guattari– through the paradigms of the control society and Integrated World Capitalism (IWC) howare produced the “green subjectivities” thatexploit natural resources and produce nature. The research is bibliographical, based on the theoretical tracks traced by Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze and other authors who dialogue with their thoughts. The clues suggest a psychosocial discussion that reveals new directions for the re-signification of environmental marketing, pointing to the need to think about a new “ecosophy-marketing” based on the three ecologies, as well as thinking under a new ethical paradigm – political and aesthetic, in which socio-environmental relations are prioritized.Downloads
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