Hip-hop culture and the fight against violence: an extensionist university strategy
violence, hip-hop, hearing, clinical-political, youthsAbstract
The extension and research college projects need deal with the racism manifest in the relations between people and in the statistical data about young Brazilians deaths. The map of the violence of 2016 made explicit the extermination of young black males. How is mourning drawn up by family members and what conditions would restrain violence? The purpose of this article is to present the project “Clinical-political hearing of subjects in critical social situations” that was born with the intention of listening to mothers who lost children in situations of State violence, as well as with the objective of offering activities for adolescents and young people struggling for life. One of the methods used in the extensionist actions was the offer of a conversation wheel, “Hip-hop and the Fight against Violence”, whose result was the emergence of three themes; hip-hop culture as a possible dream; cultural manifestation as an anchorage point for the subjects; art as a way of occupying public spaces. Therefore, the authors invite the psychologists to create spaces of hearing, talking and action about brazilian social inequality.Downloads
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