Rorschach Test: differential responses in patients with and without suicide attempt


  • Alejandro Adrian Cuadra Peralta academico universidad de tarapaca, arica-chile
  • Oscar Ochoa de la Maza Académico del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Tarapacá.
  • Margarita Cornejo González Psicóloga. Universidad de Tarapacá
  • Roxana Barrera Huanca Psicóloga. Universidad de Tarapacá


Suicide, Intent of Suicide, Psicodiagnóstico of Rorschach


The aim of this study was to identify differential answers among groups of, patients diagnosed with Depression, patients diagnosed with Dysfunction of Personality and with Depression and patient with intent he/she commits suicide through the indicators of the Scale of suicidal Potential, proposed by Passalacqua, Herrera  y Orcoyen (1997). The total sample was of 70 subject of feminine sex, with groups of approximately 18 people each one. There was significant difference in six indicators among the four groups and in ten indicators among the patients with intent commits suicide and the other participants. With these indicators it was carried out an analysis discriminate, being a high capacity to differentiate the different subgroups, especially to group of patient with intent commits suicide and the rest of people. One surrenders it formulates to calculate the probability of ownership to the group of suicide intent.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Adrian Cuadra Peralta, academico universidad de tarapaca, arica-chile

Doctorado en Psicología, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Académico del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Tarapacá

Oscar Ochoa de la Maza, Académico del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Tarapacá.

Académico del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Tarapacá.

Margarita Cornejo González, Psicóloga. Universidad de Tarapacá

Psicóloga. Universidad de Tarapacá

Roxana Barrera Huanca, Psicóloga. Universidad de Tarapacá

Psicóloga. Universidad de Tarapacá



How to Cite

CUADRA PERALTA, A. A.; MAZA, O. O. DE LA; GONZÁLEZ, M. C.; HUANCA, R. B. Rorschach Test: differential responses in patients with and without suicide attempt. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 21, n. 3, p. 475-486, 30 Dec. 2009.


