The ethnopsychological reading of secret


  • Vinciane Despret Université de Liège


clinical psychology, diagnoses, research, ethnopsychology


The text presents a critical discussion about psychological practices, focusing on the secret in the psychotherapy. The author rescues the idea of secret as something that separates, that sets apart what’s public and what is private, what can or cannot be showed, including not only cultural subjects, but also, especially, political subjects. The clinical practice can be a device which “treats the secret by itself”, building a sense of inferiority which establishes mandatory treatment models. Then, the author displaces this discussion to the domain of Human science research, checking the imposition of anonymity that, for her, causes the “unnamed effect” and establises an asymmetry relation on the research, promoting a mistaken distribution of power. 


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How to Cite

DESPRET, V. The ethnopsychological reading of secret. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 23, n. 1, p. 5-28, 30 Apr. 2011.



Dossier Despret