What can be learned about scientific practices from the ethology and primatology sciences?


  • Vinciane Despret Université de Liège


ethology, primatology, scientific practices


The article discusses known studies conducted with animals, as well as the version in which the results acquired are biased by researcher’s subjectivity. Following the reflections on the research practices, we can consider the animals good models to the investigation about Human beings. They can teach a lot about ourselves, since we have not neglected the way to make them understand our questions and we should know which question, indeed, they answer. 


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How to Cite

DESPRET, V. What can be learned about scientific practices from the ethology and primatology sciences?. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 23, n. 1, p. 59-72, 30 Apr. 2011.



Dossier Despret