Rhetoric of social influence and negotiation, according to power/recognition in society


  • Edson Alves de Souza Filho Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


social influence, action rhetoric, ethnic groups


We studied the way pressure inflicted by more or less powerful/recognized people in society is negotiated by ethnically identified participants. We considered these phenomena drawing on social influence theories or social action rhetoric. We worked with simulated pressure situations in order to recreate possible experiences of interaction. 207 public high school students identified with Black, White and Mixed people took part in this research. The results showed rhetoric/action of rejection, acceptation and non decision to pressures. The rhetoric/action anticipated were those of cordiality, own interest, hostility and other’s interest. Whites tended to accept more the pressure of powerful people; and Blacks, to a lesser extent, to reject it. Regarding minority people, we found that all groups accepted their pressure, pointing out there is less controversy. We discussed the results within the frame of intergroup relations in the dynamics in society.


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Author Biography

Edson Alves de Souza Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

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How to Cite

SOUZA FILHO, E. A. DE. Rhetoric of social influence and negotiation, according to power/recognition in society. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 26, n. 1, p. 179-198, 30 Apr. 2014.


