The relationship among language, thought and action in microgenesis of higher mental functions


  • Jairo Werner Junior Universidade Federal Fluminense


microgenesis, language development, semiotic mediation, higher mental functions, Vygotsky


Objective: to illustrate the role of language mediation in the constitution of higher mental functions of the subject, seeking toarticulate authors of a historical-cultural background, such as Vygotsky, from the methodological perspective of Heloisa Marinho,a Brazilian researcher who focused on language and was a pioneering contributor in the area of child development. Methodology:based on the study of the relationship among the oral and graphic mode of communication (MARINHO; WERNER, 1982), performedon a sample of 3000 children, and also using the observation script by Werner (2012), a microgenetic analysis of graphic activity(WERNER, 1999, 2001) was performed on a boy from the University nursery, whose chronological age was 2 years old. Result: itwas possible to illustrate how, in the setting of an interaction between adult-child and child-children, qualitative transformationsoccur in psychological functions in which semiotic mediation has a foundation and a constitutional role.


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How to Cite

WERNER JUNIOR, J. The relationship among language, thought and action in microgenesis of higher mental functions. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 27, n. 1, p. 33-38, 31 Jan. 2015.

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