“Subtle” violence: young people and peer groups within school
violence, peer groups, school.Abstract
The object of this work is the “subtle” expressions of violence that occur among young people living in peer groups within the school. A field research was carried out in two schools in Rio de Janeiro to know what these subtle acts of violence are and their relationship between the rules established by the school and the rules in grouping – instituted by their own groups of friends. The analysis of the results of this research discuss the process of naturalization of “subtle” violence and it has been noticed that the revenge between groups is closely related to simple rules for grouping and his/her inclusion or permanence in the group. It has been noticed that the posture of the teachers varied from neglecting to criminalizing these conflicts and tensions among students, showing how adults delimit their intervention on youth’s social relations at school today. We can conclude that the possibilities that the young generation disposes of to construct their ethos of social conviviality is thought to be severely restricted to the dynamics of their peer group.Downloads
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