From the dispositive of sexuality to the dispositive of biotechnology


  • Laura Belluzzo de Campos Silva Centro Universitário Paulistano-Unipaulistana


Foucault, dispositive, biotechnology, genetic screening, media


In the book “The will to knowledge”, where he defined  what was called the dispositive of sexualitiy,Foucault made possible to glimpse that maybe another dispositive was about to be composed. The recent advances in the area of molecular biology reopen the discussion about the biological behavior basis. They consider the possibility of new intervention forms and their use for commercial purposes. Based on these ideas, this work aims to discuss which contributions the concept of biopower can bring in relation to the biotechnology advances and it maps some lines which compose this newdispositive, the ones could be called biotechnological.


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Author Biography

Laura Belluzzo de Campos Silva, Centro Universitário Paulistano-Unipaulistana

Faculdade de Psicologia


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How to Cite

SILVA, L. B. DE C. From the dispositive of sexuality to the dispositive of biotechnology. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 27, n. 3, p. 291-300, 25 Nov. 2015.