The lacanian style and the polysemy of the concepts


  • Flávio Fernandes Fontes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Lacan, style, transmission


The Lacanian style is not a simple envelopment of thought but something essential to his proposal of the transmission of psychoanalysis. We analyze one of its main features: the conceptual polysemy. For this task we utilize mainly the work of commentators such as Milán-Ramos and Beividas, in order to make a discussion between two opposing ideal types: the subjective transmission and the scientific transmission. We discuss the problems and advantages of each point of view, recognizing its limits in the attempt to better comprehend psychoanalysis, that ends up transcending the categorization in Art or Science.  


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Author Biography

Flávio Fernandes Fontes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Mestre em Psicologia pela UFRN e atualmente doutorando no programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da UFRN.


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How to Cite

FONTES, F. F. The lacanian style and the polysemy of the concepts. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 27, n. 3, p. 324-329, 25 Nov. 2015.