For a baudrillardian proposition in contemporary psychosomatics and psychoanalysis: some weightings concerning body and soul phenomena in <em>Seduction</em> piece of work
Baudrillard, seduction, sexuality, Psychoanalysis, PsychosomaticsAbstract
Jean Baudrillard, French contemporary thinker, presents instigating critiques towards current Psychoanalysis and society, his original theory may contribute significantly in re-readings of practices and concepts in the way how it is developed care in Health (Psychoanalysis and Psychosomatics, more strictly here). His seduction concept goes hand in hand with laplanchian critique about the abandonment of seduction theory due to the outcoming of the theory of sexuality, in early times of freudian theoretical developments; both notions intercrossed may provide substantive transvaluation of concepts, while articulated with orthodox Psychoanalytical and Psychosomatical streams, which may virtuously impact in their clinical and social practices.Downloads
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