The Signifier in Motion: The Movement of Language in Psychoanalysis and in Aristotle’s Linguistic Theory


  • Shirley Sharon-Zisser Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv


Freud, Lacan, Aristotle, scheme, movement


The article examines the relation between language and movement  in Freud’s Project for a Scientific Psychology and Lacan’s seminars four and seven, in the first of which Lacan aligns the anguishing movement in which the subject knows he is caught up with Aristotle’s theorization of infinite movement in Aristotle’s Physics. The article argues that it is also treatment of the category of scheme (σχῆμα) – at once elocutionary form and corporeal motion – that psychoanalysis can glean significant knowledge concerning the relation of language and movement, especially stylized movement that is of the order of the discontinuity of the symbolic, but which nevertheless intricates the flesh that enjoys.


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How to Cite

SHARON-ZISSER, S. The Signifier in Motion: The Movement of Language in Psychoanalysis and in Aristotle’s Linguistic Theory. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 28, n. 3, p. 307-315, 11 Feb. 2017.


