CAPS, ateliers and workshops: arts in the world, worlds in art
art, ateliers, alcohol and other drugsAbstract
The article aims to analyze how the meeting of art and the clinic, under the bias of workshops, proposals for the reform of psychiatry, can constitute a power in possibilities of meeting, as it moves away from asylum attitudes that are still part of the mental health course in Brazil. It aims to highlight, therefore, the logic of expanded clinical and harm reduction as the basis of psychosocial care , taking as starting the account of own institutional experience as artist of a psychosocial care center for care related to alcohol and other drugs . For this purpose, it makes visible the process of the collaborative audiovisual creation, built and experienced by the participants of the art workshops, which is traversed by issues relate to health, illness, drug use, harm reduction and freedom; collective artistic production is conducted in such a way as to gain an ethical and political dimension, just a self-care receives an esthetical contour that goes beyond moral and punitive predictability.
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