Distinctions of the notion of representation





psychology of work, activity-centered ergonomics, notion of representation, work activities


In this article we intend to contribute to the clarification of the notion of “representation” in the fields of Psychology of Work and Activity-Centered Ergonomics, distinguishing the concept within two approaches. The first one, based on the notion of “operative image”, is associated to the analytical category of “representations for action” and to the methodological proposal of “work of representations”. The second one refers to the study of the so-called “social” representations that result from processes of social interaction within the framework of the construction of opinions, beliefs and attitudes. The two paradigms involved in these two approaches show potentialities and limits when “applied” to the work activities. Empirical studies support the argumentation of this article who ends with an alternative proposal - based, in particular, on the contributions of Yves Schwartz and also of Alessandra Re. Instead, it favors the distinction between various forms of knowledge - instituted knowledge and invested knowledge - that, in the debate and in the controversy, tend, in the analysis of the real of the work activities, to construct a common language.


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How to Cite

LACOMBLEZ, M. Distinctions of the notion of representation. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 30, n. 2, p. 86-93, 19 Jul. 2018.



Dossiê Psicologia, modos de vida e trabalho: mobilizando um patrimônio de conceitos e autores