
  • Juliana Zaniboni de Assunção Universidade Federal Fluminense


Cyberwar, Cyberspace, War, Cyber Attack


For Clausewitz (1989) war is an act of force that forces our enemy to do our will. Another definition, made by the same author is that war would be the continuation of politics by other means. Clausewitzian theory was used extensively to explain several later conflicts, such as the World Wars event. Using his work to understand the phenomenon of war does not mean to say that the war remained unchangeable, on the contrary, it went through several changes, but even so, they were within a larger context, where the Clausewitzian theory managed to explain them. However, could Clausewitzian’s war theory also explain new phenomena such as
cyberwar? Presenting the debates of the concepts of cyberwar, cyberspace and
cyberattack, analyzing together with the cases that occurred in Iran in 2010, and in
Ukraine in 2015, it is intended to understand whether cyberwar can also fit into the
traditional theory of war, as a bellicose phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Zaniboni de Assunção, J. (2022). A IS CYBERWAR A WAR?. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 6(10), 9-23. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/hoplos/article/view/52506


